
American Police News 3/18/21

Uncensored Truth about America’s Law Enforcement Heroes

War On Conservatives in Law Enforcement

While we were always under attack, never before have we seen what it happening today. Using the FBI and assault teams to arrest citizens and law enforcement for simply being at a LEGAL and FULLY PERMITED rally at the Capitol- no matter that they did not take part in lawlessness.

Now they are targeting your Conservative views. If you don’t share their morally deficient Anti America agenda then you should not be hired or even FIRED! The longer they go unchallenged, the worse this is going to get. Where are our congressmen and leadership?

Broad Police Reform Bill Could Result In Firing Cops Who Oppose Abortion

California Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs

Majority of voters believe there is a war on police and back Blue Lives Matter laws: Poll

Democrats Are Waging War On Law Enforcement – YouTube

LAPD SWAT Officer Shot In Face During Standoff

Texas Man Arrested Near Kamala Harrisā€™ Official Residence Had Rifle and Ammo in Car, Which Was Parked Some Distance Away in a Garage in Downtown DC

LAPD Investigating If Lady Gagaā€™s Dog Robbery Was Gang Initiation

Trucks slams into patrol car in this messy highway crash

Samurai sword-swinging man wrestles with cop on Upper East Side

State Inspector General: Virginia parole board broke the rules and the laws, voted to release convicted killers

https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/wp-content/themes/Extra_child/embeddable-feed/let-embeddable.js https://www.policeone.com/syndicate-js.asp?vid=2&cnt=5

Biden as Pepe Le Pew and More!

All The Videos ! https://www.brighteon.com/channels/APNdotCom

Report: New Zealand gun confiscation, touted by anti-2A Democrats, did nothing to reduce gun violence

SPOTTED: Liberal Hypocrite and Biden Climate Envoy John Kerry Flouts Federal Mask Mandate on American Airlines Flight

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